689 Moving Metro

About 689 Moving Metro

Our wellness program utilizes a holistic approach to empower members with the awareness, knowledge, and resources to increase intentions and actions towards healthy behaviors for our members and their families to live well-balanced lives! To that extent, our efforts focus on developing the six pillars of 689 Moving Metro:

  • Move More

    The purpose of this pillar is to promote movement within TEHW members as a primary prevention method to reduce risk factors for chronic conditions and comorbidities. By introducing regular and functional movements, risks for conditions such as diabetes, obesity, musculoskeletal complications, hypertension, etc. can be mitigated. Interventions for this pillar may include exercise classes and partnerships, step and movement challenges, musculoskeletal alleviation programs, and weight management opportunities. These programs will be available for all members of TEHW.

  • Think Clearly

    This pillar is designed to bring awareness to mental well-being for TEHW members. We aim to decrease the number of accidents, incidents and events that are caused by lack of awareness in the present moment. We also aim to equip our members with mental resilience and coaching for any mental health conditions experienced by our members. Intervention strategies may include mindfulness and meditation workshops, mental resilience coaching, stress management workshops, etc. These programs will primarily be targeted for members experiencing mental health conditions or cognitive fog.

  • Eat Healthily

    The purpose of this pillar is to increase awareness of healthy eating and resources to support a nutrient-rich lifestyle. This pillar aims to improve positive attitudes and adherence for healthy eating to improve quality of life and reduce chronic condition risks experienced by our members. Intervention strategies may include Lunch & learn workshops, healthy snacking events, dietician presentations, food journaling seminars, weight management courses, etc. These programs will be available for all TEHW members.

  • Sleep Soundly

    This pillar aims to educate members on how to maximize their quality of sleep to reduce complications such as weight gain, blood pressure, and accidents in the workplace. Intervention strategies may include sleep journaling, sleep coaching, stress management, etc. These programs will be available for all TEHW members.

  • Work Safer

    The purpose of this pillar is to promote safety within daily work endeavors. Safety is WMATA’s #1 priority, as our well-being efforts are targeted to helping TEHW members work as safely as possible. Intervention strategies may include mindfulness techniques, safety education workshops, etc. These programs will be available for all TEHW members.

  • Breathe Easier

    The purpose of this pillar is to focus on stress management and reduction for TEHW members. This means incorporating work-life balance opportunities to our members and their families. Intervention strategies may include stress management workshops, resilience coaching, sleep improvement seminars, employee assistance partnerships, etc. These programs will be available for all members

Health Programs Offered

In addition to the Wellness Incentives offered by Kaiser Permanente and CareFirst, there is a wealth of programs available to the members. Do you need specialized help on your wellness journey? There is a program to help you—many at no cost.


24/7 CareFirst Video Visits (No Cost)

  • Register at carefirstvideovisit.com or download CareFirst Video Visit App
  • Can be used day or night through smartphone, tablet, or computer for non-emergency situations
    • Allergies
    • Sinus infection
    • Cold/Flu
    • Behavioral Health Support
    • Diet/Nutrition
  • Doctors provide consultation, diagnosis, and prescriptions when available

Specialized programs

  • Health coaching
    • Provided by registered nurses and trained professionals
  • Weight Management
    • Learn to make gradual lifestyle changes that become lifelong habits
  • Tobacco Cessation
    • Expert guidance support and tools
  • Financial Well-being
    • Learn small steps to financial improvements

One on One Health Coaching

  • Personalized Counseling
  • Educational Materials and Online Tools
  • Support and Encouragement
  • Contact at 877-260-3253, option 7

Kaiser Permanente

Health Engagement Platform

Wellness Coaching by Phone (No Cost to members)

  • Programs
    • Tobacco Cessation
    • Stress Management
    • Physical Activity
    • Weight Management
    • Healthy Eating
  • For appointments, contact 800-777-7906 or kp.org/coaching

Emotional Wellbeing App (No Cost to Members)

  • Calm and MyStrength
    • Both are available on kp.org/selfcare
    • Calm uses meditation and mindfulness to lower stress, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality through guided meditation.
    • MyStrength uses personalized programs with interactive activities, daily health trackers, coping tools, and more to help you set/work towards your goals.
  • Ginger
    • Available on kp.org/coachingapps/mas
    • Offers 24/7 access to highly trained support coaches to help with stress, low mood, stress at work, relationships, and sleep.
    • Text your coach
    • Kaiser Permanente members can use Ginger 90 days per year at no cost with no referral
  • Fitness App
    • ClassPass
    • Access at kp.org/exercise
    • Offers over 4,000 on-demand workout videos
    • Livestreams of top-rated fitness classes
      • Real-time classes at a reduced rate
        • Boxing, Dance, Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, Barre, Bootcamp, and more
    • In person Gym classes at reduced rates
      • ClassPass partners with 30,000 gyms and studios worldwide

A Word With Wellness Newsletter

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